For starters, our body is compromised of about 75% water (relative articles will give differentiating numbers). That is still an astronomical amount when you think about the complex machine that is our body with all of its systems working together to help us function. That being said, water is a vital element in functioning such as regulating digestion, transportation of nutrients, elimination of waste products, circulation of blood, lubrication of joints and internal organs as well as regulating body temperature to name a few. It should come as no surprise then that research has shown that the average body needs half its body weight in ounces of pure water daily as a minimum to maintain adequate hydration.
Dr. Batmanghelidj reports in his study "Your Body's Many Cries for Water" that "this amount may shock some of you [and] it's not difficult to comprehend how at least half of the American population has been estimated to operate in a chronically dehydrated state for the majority of their lives."
To further put things into perspective, refer to this list of symptoms of dehydration which have a high rate of success by simply drinking more water:
- Hypertension/High blood pressure
- Heart burn/Indigestion
- Peptic ulcers
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Type II Diabetes
- Fatigue
- Loss of Mental Clarity and Focus
- Inability to Perform
These symptoms are simply the various signs of the body's water rationing system during periods of dehydration and thus have often been mistaken for disease! Rather than providing the body with water, medical practitioners have resorted to treating these easily reversible symptoms with drugs rather than simply instructing their patients to hydrate and re-hydrate appropriately to avoid dehydration!
If you've ever felt "dry mouth", not only are you needing some water immediately but it is a sign that your body has gone well beyond moderate dehydration and is actually is a very serious dehydrated state! Remember that pure water is the key (not coffee, juice, soda, tea, milk etc.) The other liquids mentioned actually need much more water than they actually contain to pass them out of the system, acting actually as agents of dehydration (your mind has been programmed to process the opposite...time to reprogram!)
How to avoid this: Invest in a solid aluminum water bottle, one that can keep your water cold and one that serves as a visual reminder that you need to keep replenishing yourself, even when you are not thirsty. Drinking half your body weight in ounces each day can steadily improve your well-being...and you do not have to pay a visit to the doctor! Did I mention that it will keep you feeling full and thus, lead to weight loss??
The bottom line is, water is free and accessible to everyone. Take advantage of this beneficial opportunity!